Medical malpractice

Medical malpractice

The word 'malpractice' often conjures up the idea of inefficiencies such as long wait times or lack of attention from primary care physicians. However, it is essential to remember that the medical profession is vitally important and must adhere to medical and scientific protocols based on international guidelines. Specialists have an 'obligation of means' (i.e., to follow guidelines) and not an 'obligation of result,' which may vary depending on each patient's individual reaction.
Malpractice occurs when a medical error is shown to have caused permanent damage or injury to the patient, even indirectly affecting his or her family members. These errors can be attributed to physicians, health care facilities such as hospitals, private clinics, nursing homes, and specialists such as dentists, sonographers, radiologists, and nurses.

To establish liability, it is crucial to prove a direct link between the medical actions and the injuries sustained. At this stage, the intervention of a medical examiner, assisted by medical consultants specializing in different areas of medicine, is crucial to draw up a medico-legal report.
It is important to note that, with the recent Gelli reform that went into effect on 01/04/2017, you have 10 years to take action against a hospital facility and 5 years for a physician working within that facility. However, if a physician works in a private practice setting, the term is extended to 10 years.

New All Assistance srls of Treviso, with decades of experience in the field of medical malpractice, supports victims in the medical malpractice claims process. The company selects the most appropriate, prompt and effective actions against insurance companies covering hospital facilities and/or physicians. New All Assistance assists victims by anticipating all expenses: medical, medico-legal, legal, court fees, technical consultations, and any other costs necessary to obtain compensation following a malpractice injury.
With a contract approved by the 'Guarantor' of Rome, the company guarantees not to demand any payment in case of a negative outcome of the legal action. In case of a successful outcome, the victim will recognize a percentage as stipulated in the fee schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have suffered damage in Italy, the law does not see the lack of citizenship as an obstacle to compensation.

In the presence of minors, the law requires a legal guardian (father, mother, etc.)

Our clients are relieved from outlays in the case of certain right.

The time required to conclude the compensation process varies greatly. As a studio, we strive to process cases as quickly as possible, but bureaucracy requires its own time.

Reaching a solution in this case is difficult but not impossible. The role of witnesses and circumstantial evidence is crucial, contact us promptly to assess the possible action to take.

Depending on the type of damage, the statute of limitations varies from two to five years.

If the insurance contract provides coverage for the driver, you can request reimbursement for physical damages only.

You are still in time to submit a damage claim, provided there is established medical liability.

In this case, you can pursue the compensation path, in the presence of proven medical liability within 5 years of the events.